My life is exciting! When you work for Jesus you never know what’s going to happen; where He will send you, or who you will meet. This past September the Lord put an unction in my heart to do a meeting in the Dallas area so I started looking for a meeting place. Sounds easy enough! Wrong! It took days. Long story short, I finally found a hotel I could afford in Garland and got it set up for the first Tuesday in October. So, the next issue at hand; how to invite people to come? I prayed, “Father, how am I supposed to do this? Nobody knows me.” Several years ago when I started a meeting in Marshall, Marejohn had given me permission to use her mailing list and encouraged me to include her name in the advertisement. As I prayed over the Dallas meeting, Father reminded me of what I had done at Marshall. I discussed it with Marejohn and once again she said “go for it” and encouraged me to get out in the field and get people saved, delivered, and set free. Marejohn told me, “Always include that you were with me; that way they will know what kind of ministry to expect”. So I made up some post cards with the date, time, and location. I put my picture in the corner and then included this statement “Mentored by Marejohn Brock for more than 17 years, I learned firsthand the importance of loving people, operating in the gifts of the Spirit, and boldly sharing the prophetic encouragement given by the Holy Spirit.” Some people have ministry resume’s that include all sorts of degrees from prestigious schools. Not me! But, let me tell you, I wouldn’t trade my training for all the classrooms or college degrees in the world. But, back to the story. I mailed the cards, went to the hotel, and anxiously waited to see if anyone would show up. Some people came. I was relieved. Thank you, Jesus. It wasn’t going to be a no-show night. A woman I’d never met before came in and introduced herself. She had brought her grandson; a handsome young man probably in his late twenties or early thirties. She told me, “I went to Marejohn Brock’s meetings when she had them at Deeper Life Book Store. When she stopped coming there, I never knew what happened to her. But, when I got your card and saw ‘her name’ I knew she wouldn’t be here but I knew if I could get him here, my grandson could get help from this ministry!” Wow! Marejohn stopped having meetings at Deeper Life Book Store probably 25-30 years ago. My heart swelled with joy at hearing this lady’s confidence in the ministry. It was like what Marejohn had said about the people knowing what kind of ministry to expect had actually been a fulfilled prophecy. I was encouraged. The woman explained they had driven from the northwest side of Dallas up close to US 380 during the 5 o’clock rush hour traffic to get to this meeting. It took them almost two hours to get there. That told me they really wanted to be there! I was blown away. I started the meeting. Business as usual. But, before I could finish the message, this young man was crying out. “I’ve got to have help. I need God to help me. My life is in such a mess; I can’t live this way any longer!” I believe God wants us to love and meet the needs of those in front of us so I turned the focus toward ministering to him. No surprise, the other people there joined me – and God had sent just the right people to speak to and minister to the needs in that young man’s heart and life. It was truly amazing what God did! I wish you could see the young man today. He is on-fire for Jesus; happy, and overflowing with joy. His whole countenance is changed. I believe with all my heart that meeting was a divinely ordained appointment scheduled and arranged by a loving heavenly Father especially for that young man. Wow! I know I shouldn’t but I’m one of those people that always thinks about the “what ifs”. What if I had given up on finding a meeting place? What if I had not prayed about how to invite people? What if Marejohn had not encouraged me to use her name or what if I had not included it on that postcard? But, I was persistent and did find a meeting place. Father did answer my prayer about how to invite people. Marejohn’s name was supposed to be on that card. It was important and it made a difference. It pleases my heart to know that in this particular instance, her legacy was carried on through me but that shouldn’t be the focus or center of our attention. The most important thing is that a young man and his family were touched and changed by the power of God’s love. How do I know this? Because in December, he came through the door with a great big grin on his face. Following behind him was his grandmother, his mother, his uncle, and his little boy. You see, it’s like Marejohn taught me. It wasn’t her ministry. It’s not my ministry. The ministry belongs to Jesus. It’s not about who does what. It’s about obedience to do what Father puts in your heart. But most of all, it’s about loving the one He puts in front of you! And, it is so much fun to watch Jesus in action. Because when He touches a heart a life is changed. He wants to touch your heart and make things exciting in your life, too. You ask, why? Simply because “Jesus Loves You!”
Thanks for checking out my website and coming to my blog page. I pray you will be blessed and encouraged by the things I share. Have a great day! Deb Archives
March 2020
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